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COVID-19 testing site accepting reservations

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and last updated

KOKOMO — If you think finding a COVID-19 testing site is next to impossible, you might be pleasantly surprised.

In fact, one site has openings on its reservation calendar.

OptumServe Health Services, under an agreement with the state, has been opening testing facilities across Indiana since April, with a goal of 50 sites.

At the one in Kokomo, for example, there was an initial surge of people wanting tests, according to Kristina Sommers, the Public Health Emergency Coordinator for the Howard County Health Department. That is no longer the case and appointments can be made online or over the phone.

Here is a link to the online appointment site:

The phone number is: 1-888-634-1116.

The testing site in Kokomo is located at 721 West Superior Street. That's the Kokomo Senior Citizens Center in Foster Park.
It's open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., but it will be closed on Memorial Day.

You do not have to be a senior citizen to get a test, but you do have to make an appointment. Who should be tested?

  • Those over the age of 65.
  • People with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure or other underlying conditions.
  • Women who are pregnant.
  • Members or minority populations that are at greater risk.
  • A close contact with a person who has a confirmed COVID-19 case.

If you have medical insurance, bring your card. But if you don't have insurance, you will not be charged.

For a complete list over over 200 COVID-19 test sites in Indiana, those operated by OptumServe and others, click on this link from the Indiana State Department of Health and look for the map: