

Twin nurses at Riley provide double the care to patients on the Cardiovascular ICU unit

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INDIANAPOLIS — It's been said people often choose a career path that is similar to the people to whom you are close.

When you literally have spent your entire life with someone, it's no surprise a set of twins are taking Riley Hospital for Children by storm.

Emma and Hannah James are taking on the challenge of becoming Cardiovascular ICU nurses.

It's fascinating to see the pair on the on the unit.

It's more than their looks that are in union.

"It's like a look we can look at each other and we can know. There's no words that we have to say. It's more like okay I see you, I understand. It's okay," Emma James said.

They're caring for infants with congenital heart defects, a tough job, which is why having each other has been so beneficial.

"Honestly very comforting, just like having that security blanket," Hannah James said.

It's brought them closer at a time where they're lives were starting to go in different directions.

"Honestly very comforting, just like having that security blanket."

Emma getting married, Hannah is getting her own place.

Though they are so similar and are often compared to the other, they bring different attributes to their job as nurses.

"We make a good balance, we being out the best qualities in each other. Push you to be a little more bold, and you push me to be a little more soft," Emma said.

As the ladies get their footing on their new career, they are leaning on each other to get through the most challenging times.

Patients and their families also get to benefit their special bond.

"Sisters wasn't a choice, but being best friends is a choice. I am like that is really cool because we get to live our lives like that," Hannah said.

The pair recently graduated from nursing school and says it's been funny to see how often they are mistaken for each other, but thankfully they say it's never impacted their jobs.

They say they dress differently to try and eliminate being mistaken.