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Carmel nurse sends warning about COVID-19 after surviving the virus

Lesley Vogel.JPG
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CARMEL — A Carmel nurse said she's getting a second chance at life after surviving COVID-19. It was not an easy fight and she said her family started to fear the worst and even began discussing her funeral.

After 46 days in the hospital, spending time in the ICU and on a ventilator, Lesley Vogel is finally home.

Vogel wasn't sure she'd survive her bout with the novel coronavirus.

"This is a very serious virus," Vogel said. "My children were discussing my funeral, that's how serious it was and how critically ill I was from COVID."

Vogel said her family leaned into their faith and stayed by her side from the beginning through her recovery.

"Saturday, the 28th of March I woke up short of breath and I asked my daughter to take me to the hospital," Vogel said.

Vogel's condition worsened and she spent the remainder of March into May in the hospital, most of that time in ICU with a ventilator.

"My last memory is being in ICU looking out my glass door and seeing the ventilator there," Vogel said.

After all she's been through just to finally step foot inside her home again, Vogel said she wants people to do all they can to keep themselves and others healthy.

"I have never seen anything like this is my 39 years of nursing," Vogel said. "We have never seen anything like this virus before. Please be careful out there."

By careful, this survivor means wearing a mask and making sure to follow the guidelines to protect yourself and everyone around you.

"I feel like I have another chance at life," Vogel said. "My work is not finished."

Vogel hasn't returned to work yet. She agreed to do a virtual interview because she is limiting her contact with others right now.