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City of Indianapolis providing free face masks to Marion County residents

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INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett has pushed the need for Marion County residents to wear face coverings when outside of their home, so the city is helping get masks to people who can’t do so themselves.

A mask, Hogsett said Wednesday, is the “average person's best weapon to prevent spread when they venture out into the public.”

The city of Indianapolis will be providing free masks to any Marion County resident who is a high-risk individual and doesn’t already have one.

The city is acquiring the masks from a US-based supplier, but the details are not yet finalized. The cost to the city is also not yet known.

In order to receive a mask, a Marion County resident must fill out a form online with their name, email address, phone number and address. The recipient also confirms that the masks will go toward Marion County residents, and they won’t be sold.

For more information on how to apply, click here.