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Back to normal? Sort of, for IPS school board

Board meeting next week open to public
and last updated

INDIANAPOLIS — It's been nearly four months since the IPS school board held its last in person meeting.

That will change next week.

The board, much like city councils, county commissions and other school boards, has been meeting virtually since COVID-19 concerns and restrictions kicked in.

The IPS board will return to the school system's downtown headquarters next Tuesday and Thursday for meetings that are open to the public, but with restrictions.

  • Limit of 50 people, including board members, essential IPS staff, and the public.
  • Public comment will only be accepted electronically through the online portal.
  • Social distancing seating arrangements.
  • Mandatory face masks, except for board members or anyone presenting.
  • Those attending the meetings must bring their own face coverings.

Both meetings will be livestreamed online through the district’s website at [] and the IPS Facebook page. A Facebook account is not required to watch.

Due to limited seating, registration for public attendance is required for both meetings. Click HERE[] to register for the agenda review session and here HERE[] to register for the board's action session.

Written public comment will be accepted through June 25, at 3 p.m. using the online portal linked HERE[].