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How Indiana colleges and universities are planning for fall semester

IU Campus
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INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana college students are preparing to begin the 2020-21 school year in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

In-person and online classes are offered at most colleges and universities across the state, and many adjustments have been made.

Here’s a look at their plans for the upcoming academic year.

Ball State University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: The university scheduled more classes in the evenings. Courses with large enrollments have been divided into small sections and some might be taught online.
  • What President Geoffrey Mearns said: “We have heard from many returning and prospective students that they value the personal education that we uniquely provide. Our students told us they also want to participate in immersive learning projects, student life, and our vibrant campus experiences.”
  • Read more: Ball State targets August 24 for return to classrooms

Butler University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: Students have the option to take classes in-person on campus or remotely. The university provided students with rules of conduct they must follow wherever they take classes. In-person classes will end before Thanksgiving break with final exams taking place remotely. Students will not return to campus until the beginning of spring semester.
  • What President James Danko said: "While no one can know for sure what the next few months will bring, I am certain that the fall semester will be unlike any ever experienced by American universities."
  • Read more: Butler plans for a very different fall semester

DePauw University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 31
  • Plans for fall semester: Only freshmen and sophomores will take classes on campus during the fall semester. The university hopes to bring juniors and senior back for in-person classes in the spring. New transfer students, international students, students whose home environment is not conducive to remote learning and some student leaders can also be on campus.
  • What President Lori White said: "Despite our best hopes, efforts and preparations, we now know that to safeguard the health of our DePauw and Greencastle communities in the face of an alarming resurgence of COVID-19 in our state and nation, we must reduce the number of students who are on campus at any one time."
  • Read more: DePauw University will have only freshmen and sophomores on campus this fall

University of Evansville

  • First day of classes: Aug. 26
  • Plans for fall semester: The university originally moved the beginning of fall semester ahead to Aug. 17, but later moved it back to the original Aug. 26 date. Students will not come back to campus after Thanksgiving break, and final exams will be administered online.

Franklin College

  • First day of classes: Aug. 31
  • Plans for fall semester: Franklin will have in-person classes with classroom spaces designed to accommodate physical distancing.
  • What President Kerry Prather said: "The resourceful creativity our students, faculty and staff has been inspiring during the COVID-19 crisis. They have demonstrated the strength and character of the college with successful teaching and learning experiences under challenging circumstances. That said, we are looking forward to returning to the engaged, one-on-one interaction that distinguishes the Franklin College experience, and I know our students are looking forward to being back home on their campus.”
  • Read more: Franklin College planning on students in class for fall semester

Indiana University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: Fall semester classes will be in-person and online through Nov. 20. After Thanksgiving, all classes will be online until Feb. 7. The academic calendar will also include a new winter session.
  • What President Michael McRobbie said: "Every member of our community will need to adapt their personal behaviors to help ensure the health of others, respect the necessity of some inconveniences, forgo some favored activities, and demonstrate flexibility and resilience should conditions change."
  • Read more: IU eliminates fall and spring breaks in response to COVID-19 concerns

Indiana State University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 18
  • Plans for fall semester: Classrooms at Indiana State will be limited to 50% capacity, and some classes have been moved to a hybrid of in-person and online instruction, while others are offered solely online.
  • What President Deborah J. Curtis said: "Our university is strong, and it will continue to be a very special place to learn and work. Together, we will overcome this challenge and move forward with the strength and resilience that defines the Sycamore."

University of Indianapolis

  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: UIndy is in Phase 1.5 of its three-phase reopening plan. Some classes will be in-person, while others will be a hybrid of in-person and online and others will be completely online.
  • What President Robert J. Manuel said: "If you feel uncomfortable being on campus or have underlying health conditions that place you at greater risk and you would prefer to complete a fully remote experience this fall, we will make that option available to you. Although we would prefer to have our full UIndy community together, we are here to support whatever decision is best for you, whether in person or through remote means, and we will ensure you are able to access the resources you need to make your semester successful."


  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: Like the Bloomington campus, fall semester classes at IUPUI will be in-person and online through Nov. 20. After Thanksgiving, all classes will be online until Feb. 7. The academic calendar will also include a new winter session.

Marian University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: Students are required to take their temperature and review a self-assessment every day they plan to be on campus. If a student passes their assessment, they will receive a 24-hour badge they will show their professor before entering a classroom.

University of Notre Dame

  • First day of classes: Aug. 10
  • Plans for fall semester: On Aug. 18, Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins announced in-person classes are suspended until Sept. 2 after 147 students tested positive for COVID-19.
  • What President Rev. John I. Jenkins said: "The virus is a formidable foe. For the past week, it has been winning. Let us as the Fighting Irish join together to contain it. ... Our contact-tracing analysis indicates that most infections are coming from off-campus gatherings. Students infected at those gathering passed it on to others, who in turn have passed the virus on to others, resulting in the positive cases we have seen."
  • Read more: Notre Dame shifts to remote learning after first week of classes

Purdue University

  • First day of classes: Aug. 24
  • Plans for fall semester: Purdue will have in-person and remote classes, and it introduced its "Protect Purdue" plan in June. President Mitch Daniels was one of the most vocal proponents in the country of colleges and universities reopening for in-person classes.
  • What President Mitch Daniels said: "Forty-five thousand young people — the biggest student population we’ve ever had — are telling us they want to be here this fall. To tell them, 'Sorry, we are too incompetent or too fearful to figure out how to protect your elders, so you have to disrupt your education,' would be a gross disservice to them and a default of our responsibility."
  • Read more: Purdue President Mitch Daniels describes campus plans for fall semester in column

Wabash College

  • First day of classes: Aug. 12
  • Plans for fall semester: Fall semester began two weeks early and fall break is canceled. Final exams will be held the week before Thanksgiving. Some classes may be taught in a hybrid of in-person and online instruction.