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At Hancock Regional Hospital, a place to pray for patients and staff

Designated "prayer spots" in parking lot
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GREENFIELD -- At Hancock Regional Hospital in Greenfield, designated parking spaces have been set aside for people to pray from their cars.

Local churches have been asking members of their congregations to go to the hospital to pray for the COVID-19 patients and the hospital workers who are treating them.

That can be hard to do, since access to the hospital is limited. So the hospital came up with the idea of designated prayer parking spots which are clearly marked.

"We know that prayer and a sense of community is what gets a lot of people through challenging times," said the hospital's Jenn Cox. "We also had a lot of people requesting to pray for us words of encouragement and kind gestures. So how could we bring that together in a location so they will feel connected to us as well as to the rest of the community."

The designated prayer parking spots are set up to adhere to social distancing recommendations and they are open 24-hours a day.