INDIANAPOLIS — The Boy Scouts and Red Cross are teaming up for a blood driver this Wednesday and Thursday.
The hours both days are noon to 6 p.m. at Boy Scout Camp Belzer, 6102 Boy Scout Road, on the Indianapolis northeast side.
“One of our top objectives is to serve the community and those around us,” said Gina Strati, marketing executive for the Crossroads of America Council, BSA. “We are excited to welcome the community to Camp Belzer for the upcoming blood drive as we bring people together to meet a current need in Central Indiana.”
As the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many regular blood drive locations to be unable to host a drive, the scouts have a large facility at Camp Belzer that can handle the event. The goal is 100 donations.
“Hospital patients still need treatments requiring blood transfusions even during the pandemic,” said Sandra Ryden, donor recruitment account manager for the Red Cross. “That’s why making a commitment to regular blood donation is vitally important during this time.”
To schedule an appointment, visit: and use sponsor code: campbelzer