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COVID-19: Indiana medical professionals write open letter to Hoosiers

A plea to help ease pandemic
and last updated

INDIANAPOLIS — Overworked and overwhelmed, medical professionals from across Indiana have written an open letter to Hoosiers. The letter can be viewed at the website Http://

On that site, you can sign to support the message along with sharing how COVID-19 has impacted you. The four things they're asking all Hoosiers to do is below.

1. Avoid gatherings as much as possible. This includes gatherings in homes, bars, restaurants, weddings, and funerals. Even small gatherings are risky. The virus spreads easily indoors. Our holidays this year must be different than our past (and future) holidays. This is a painful but crucial sacrifice we must make to protect our loved ones.

2. Wear a mask when you are with anyone you do not live with, especially when indoors. Masks slow the spread of the virus. We look forward to the day we can put our masks away, but that day is not today.

3. Advocate for state and federal support for those suffering from the pandemic’s economic and social effects. Many individuals and businesses are hurting because of the virus. Call on leaders to support businesses, their employees, and those who have suffered unemployment or pay cuts during the pandemic.

4. Get the vaccine when it becomes available. The COVID vaccines under consideration have been rigorously tested. We will take the vaccine for our own protection and will work to get the vaccine to all Hoosiers as quickly as possible, especially those who need it the most. Vaccines have been a key part of infection prevention for more than 200 years.