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IU School of Medicine launches study of COVID-19 in asymptomatic people

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INDIANAPOLIS — Researchers need your help.

The IU School of Medicine is starting a study in Marion County to find out how many people are so-called silent spreaders of COVID-19. The information will give experts a better idea how many people actually have the novel coronavirus to get a handle on slowing the spread.

"This is a first of its kind, U.S. study, that's including adults and kids," Dr. James Wood said.

Vital information will be revealed by the study "Tracking Asymptomatic COVID-19 Through Indianapolis Communities" — Tactic for short.

"People can carry it with no symptoms, we just don't know how many people that is," Wood said. "And specifically in the United States and here in our community in Indianapolis that's a question we really want to help answer."

LEARN MORE |Tracking Asymptomatic COVID-19 Through Indianapolis Communities (Tactic) study

Wood is one of the lead researchers.

"Figure out how to protect people and figure out when it's safe to go back to our normal activities," Wood said.

For people who want to participate in the study, individuals must pre-qualify and have to answer a few questions. Those who are interested must live in Marion County and have not tested positive for COVID-19. Those willing to participate will then enter in their information to be contacted.

"We've actually got quite a very good amount of people interested already," Wood said. "We'll be starting to bring testing kits to people's homes on Monday."

The test kits will be dropped off on front porches for those who participate to maintain social distancing.

Many of the current COVID-19 studies only focus on adults. Wood said it's crucial to have kids participate in this study to see if children are sources of asymptomatic spread.

"As we talk about going back to school eventually and getting back to social activities, knowing how children are infected and carrying the virus is a really important step in that process," Wood said.