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2024 ILEARN results show slight increase in language arts, slight decrease in mathematics

Top six things to do in Indy this weekend: October 6, 2017

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana's Department of Education released test results that show students in the Hoosier state slightly improved in English and slightly declined in mathematics compared to 2023.

The 2024 ILEARN scores were released, which show most grade levels tested in the springtime had a 0.3% increase in English and language arts proficiency.

“While many grades have seen increases in both ELA and math proficiency over the past three years, we must continue to keep our foot on the gas pedal to ensure all students have a solid academic foundation in order to maximize their future opportunities,” Dr. Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of Education, said.

According to IDOE, 41% of Indiana’s students are at or above proficiency standards in English and language arts and 40.7% of students are at or above proficiency standards in mathematics.

Since 2021, ELA proficiency has increased across most grade levels:

  • Third grade: 0.1% decrease
  • Fourth grade: 2.2% increase
  • Fifth grade: 0.8% increase
  • Sixth grade: 1.2% increase
  • Seventh grade: 0.7% increase
  • Eighth grade: 1.3% decrease

Since 2021, mathematics proficiency has increased in every grade level:

  • Third grade: 3.7% increase
  • Fourth grade: 4.3% increase
  • Fifth grade: 2.2% increase
  • Sixth grade: 5.1% increase
  • Seventh grade: 3.4% increase
  • Eighth grade: 3.6% increase

“A number of key tactics have been put in place to support educators, parents/families and students. It is essential that our local schools and parents/families continue to work together and stay laser-focused on improving student learning in ELA, as well as math,” Jenner said. “As we urgently work to improve student learning, the new ILEARN Checkpoints, launching as a pilot in the upcoming school year, will provide more actionable data throughout the year, resulting in more strategic, increased support for our students.”
 To view the full ILEARN results, click here.