News and HeadlinesEducation


Summer school at IU is proving very popular

Record enrollment reported
and last updated

BLOOMINGTON — There are a lot of people taking summer school classes at Indiana University's seven locations around the state—they're just not doing it on campus.

IU announced Tuesday a total of 33,201 students enrolled. 12,604 in Bloomington, 11,493 at IUPUI and the rest at IU's five other locations.

The Bloomington numbers are a record for summer semester enrollment. It seems many students, due to the pandemic, adjusted their summer plans and opted for virtual learning.

"IU's summer enrollment figures show our prioritization of student success even as we confront the unprecedented circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic," said John Applegate, executive vice president for university academic affairs. "Each year we have seen continued interest in the robust offering of degree programs and high-quality courses offered through our IU Online program, and we are grateful that we are able to extend such an excellent IU education to our students in a remote learning environment."

IU began summer classes on May 12 with the highest staewide total enrollment since 2016.