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'That's a huge deal': Early college program cuts tuition costs for Muncie students


MUNCIE — A program at Muncie Central High School is saving parents thousands of dollars on college tuition.

That's an especially good thing right now as the cost of going to college is through the roof with no end in sight. While families support the value of a college degree, they're deeply concerned with the potential debt.

We traveled to Muncie where some high school students graduate with a diploma and a two-year college degree.

David Voss is a member of the Muncie Central swing choir. He's also singing the praises of the school's early college program.

"I may not have to pay for an entire semester of college or even more," Voss said. "That's a huge deal. College is really expensive and I have a lot of siblings."

Voss, a senior, has already earned 45 college credits by taking Ivy Tech Community College courses at Muncie Central. The co-captain of the boys soccer team has enough credits to be a college sophomore.

"If I decide to play sports in college, it will enable me to have the freedom to pick classes in addition to my major to have more options," Voss said.

His parents embrace his efforts knowing thousands of dollars are being saved in college costs. The family of six moved to Muncie five years ago from Los Angeles.

His older brother benefited from this program, and two younger siblings will be encouraged to do the same.

"The fact they could go to college, have general ed taken care of, focus on their majors, potentially go three years instead of four, these are all things that encouraged me as a parent," their father, Hank Voss, said. "It opens all kinds of doors for them, and I'm excited where those roads will lead."

About 300 students are in the early college program. Each student signs a contract agreeing to be positive in the classroom and maintain a 2.0 grade point average.

"If they come and work hard, they can accomplish great things," Khalid Reichard, the program's director, said.