INDIANAPOLIS — Voters filed into long lines at the additional early voting sites that opened Saturday in Marion County.
At St. Luke's United Methodist Church on West 86th Street, the wait time was nearly eight hours to vote, according to Indy Vote Times around 4:15 p.m. It was about seven hours around 1 p.m.
7 hour voting wait!
— Rafael Sánchez (@RafaelOnTV) October 24, 2020
Vicky Lyras waited 7 hours to vote at her polling location at Saint Luke’s in Indianapolis. She finally voted at 5:30p after being in line since 9:45a. @wrtv Lyras is executive director of @indyballet
At Krannert Park Community Center, the wait time was more than five hours, according to Indy Vote Times around 1:15 p.m.

While the wait times weren't as long, pictures from other early voting sites showed long lines of people waiting to cast their ballot.
WAIT TIMES | New website shows wait times for polling places in Marion County
Lori Brooks got to the Perry Township Government Center just before 9 a.m. and said the line was already wrapped around the back of the building. Brooks said it took about two and a half hours to get through the line and vote.
2 1/2 hours!
— Lori Brooks (@thetaxhoney) October 24, 2020
Perry Township Govt Center. 43° 🥶
It was wrapped around the bldg., lined up down Shelby St., thru the yard, backed up to an apartment complex next door!! Got in this line 8:55, polls opened at 10, back to car 11:30 🗳
Wait times are about an hour, according to Indy Vote Times around 5 p.m.
For more information on early voting in Marion County, click here.
WHERE TO VOTE | Click here to find out where you can vote in Indiana
MORE COVERAGE | Click here for more coverage on the 2020 election in Indiana