News and Headlines


Get paid to build a tornado shelter on your property


INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Homeland Security has announced a plan to reimburse homeowners for building FEMA-approved tornado safe rooms or shelters on their property.

The reimbursements cover up to 75% of the expenses in building the shelter and max out at $5,000.

The Residential Safe Room Program was developed in 2015 to provide a rebate for the installation of safe rooms for Indiana residences.

Indiana is providing this rebate program through the FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant Program. Therefore, IDHS must comply with all federal grant regulations for each rebate recipient.

To put in an application, which is open through April 15, visit the IDHS site here.

IDHS asks all interested applicants to read all safe room program rules and regulations carefully to ensure eligibility for a safe room rebate and to ensure applications meet all federal grant guidelines associated with this program.

IDHS and FEMA will review each application and associated documentation submitted to ensure guidelines are met for each application entered in the lottery.