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$110M athletic center to be built on IU Indianapolis campus


INDIANAPOLIS — A multi-million dollar athletics center is coming to the IU Indianapolis campus, and it will serve both students and the community.

The Indiana University Board of Trustees approved the construction of a $110 athletic center. It will be approximately 134,000 sq. ft. and have seating for 4,500 spectators.

Some of the planned amenties include a multipurpose arena with an auxiliary gymnasium and community gathering spaces. The facility also will accommodate approximately 16,000 square feet of office spaces, as well as significant athletics support spaces.

It will be funded by $89 million in state appropriations — as part of the state’s biennial budget for the construction of an amateur sports facility — as well as $21 million in funding provided by IU Indianapolis.

“The board’s action is a major step in making a transformative project possible,” said Pamela Whitten, president of Indiana University. “Thanks to strong financial support from state partners, this facility will contribute to the continued growth of IU Indianapolis as a nexus of activity for the city and the surrounding region. It will serve as a home for Jaguar sports, university activities, and events for organizations from Indiana and beyond.”

The facility will include a basketball/volleyball court with seats for 4,500 patrons, as well as locker rooms, training facilities, and offices for IU Indianapolis Athletics.

The project will now move forward for further consideration and approval by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education and the State Budget Committee.

Latest Headlines | June 17, 11am