INDIANAPOLIS — On Monday, the 76th annual poultry donation was held to honor poultry farmers and give back to Hoosiers in need.
Gov. Eric Holcomb and Indiana State Department of Agriculture Director Don Lamb participated in the Indiana State Poultry Association (ISPA) poultry donation at the Indiana Statehouse.
The ceremony, organized by ISPA, marks an annual tradition that dates back to the late 1940s. The event was designed to recognize Indiana’s poultry industry and the annual donations made by its members, who produce 95% of the chicken, duck, turkey and eggs in Indiana.
Over the past year, poultry farmers donated 200,000 pounds of duck, turkey and chicken and 172,000 dozen eggs to Hoosiers in need. Additionally, $340,000 has been donated to organizations that fight food insecurity.
At the ceremony, Poultry farmers and business all over the state brought in a variety of poultry products to donate to Second Helpings, a hunger relief agency in Indianapolis.
"Hoosier generosity is second to none, and our poultry producers are always quick to assist their neighbors," said Gov. Holcomb. "It was an honor to be apart of this annual donation event and to recognize these outstanding businesses going above and beyond in their communities.
The poultry industry, a substantial economic driver of Indiana, contributes more that $15 billion and employs more that 12,500 Hoosiers.