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All things Carmel store closes, funds will redirect to police, fire and roads

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CARMEL — A specialty store in Carmel announced it is closing down on Tuesday.

All things Carmel sold gifts, apparel and accessories and was located in the Carmel Arts and Design district.

The store was managed by Promote Carmel, Inc — a non-profit started by former mayor Jim Brainard in 2020.

According to a press release, taxpayer money from the city's general fund supported the business.

The city reports a recent audit showed an additional $100,000 would be needed to meet obligations made by the Brainard administration. That's on top of the $200,000 already budgeted.

The city has decided to close the store and redirect the funds to police, fire and road maintenance.

“Because of inflation and a higher cost of living, Carmel taxpayers have had to tighten their belts. It is my responsibility to do the same with our city budget,” said Mayor Sue Finkam. “Although the program has been a vibrant addition to the Carmel Arts & Design District, today’s financial climate requires us to prioritize important expenditures such as police and fire staffing and road maintenance.”

The staff was notified of the decision on Tuesday, Aug. 20.

“The store was a labor of love for many individuals," Tim Griffin, board chair of Promote Carmel, Inc., said. "The leadership of the Promote Carmel, Inc. and the City of Carmel thank them for their support.”

Following an inventory, the city said store products will either be donated or sold online.

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Latest Headlines | August 20, 11am