INDIANAPOLIS — A new bill has been introduced in the Indiana legislature that aims to designate the Monday after the Super Bowl as a state holiday.
Rep. Mitch Gore, coauthor of HB1517, argues that productivity takes a hit after the big game. He says
an estimated 16 million people call in sick and about 30% of American workers feel less productive.
Gore points to a study by UKG that reports this phenomenon could lead to economic losses of $6 to $7 billion nationwide.
"I think over the last five years, you know, Hoosiers have been through a lot. From a pandemic, it seems like people try to tear us apart along whatever lines they think should divide us. So, I think they deserve one extra day off," said Gore. "They deserve that breathing room. But they also deserve it in a way that allows them to get together with friends and family and come around something that isn't partisan, that isn't controversial, right?"
House Bill 1517 has been referred to the Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform but has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.