INDIANAPOLIS -- In 2009, brothers from southeastern Indiana became national champions for their Doritos commercial. Since then, they've been very busy.
Joe and David Herbert are two of the five Herbert brothers responsible for the winning Doritos ad. The success of that commercial has helped to springboard them into a number of projects.
"We've got a lot going on," David said. "Shortly after we did the Doritos commercial we made our first board game."
In 2013, that game – Word Around – was nominated for board game of the year. Their newest game on the market is called Crazy Letters.
And, they aren't stopping there. A trailer released this week shows off their latest project, a movie called "In Between Days."
"Dram-edy, I guess would be the term," David said. "It's a dramatic comedy. It's a coming of age story of a 40-year-old man."
The Herbert brothers directed and edited the film. Right now they are finalizing some music, but the film is almost complete. They plan to enter it in film festivals and go from there.