INDIANAPOLIS — It's still winter now, but Indiana's next and longest season — construction season — isn't far behind.
The Indiana Department of Transportation has released its construction plan for I-70 and I-65 this year across central Indiana.
As part of that plan, work on the two interstates will be split into three major sections that will begin in April and go through December.
For most of the projects, INDOT says traffic will be configured into a "crossover patter" with traffic shifted to one side of the interstate and down to two lanes in each direction. The other side of the interstate will be shut down completely for the duration of the projects.
Below is an outline of the plan from INDOT.
Section 1: Ronald Reagan Parkway to S.R. 267
I-70 WB will be closed from Ronald Reagan Parkway to S.R. 267.
This is a patching project.
Traffic will be in a crossover pattern on the EB side of the interstate. 3 lanes will be going EB, while 2 lanes will be going WB.
For the duration of construction, there will be a ramp closure.
SR 267 to I-70 EB ramp will be closed. All other ramps will be accessible during construction. Construction is scheduled from June to October.

Section 2: I-70 EB & WB through Downtown Indianapolis
I-70 EB & WB from I-465 to South Split (West side)
INDOT will be focusing on bridge work in this area. There will be directional closures of this section of I-70 throughout the summer.
The EB lanes will be closed between the end of May to July 3.
The WB lanes will be closed from August 3 to September 4.
During these closures, there will be miscellaneous ramp and local restrictions. Information about detours and local closures will be released closer to the closure dates.
I-70 EB & WB from North Split to I-465 (East side)
Traffic will be in a crossover pattern during construction of this section. I-70 EB will be closed from May 26 to July 3. I-70 WB will be closed from August 3 to September 4. In the crossover pattern, there will be directional ramp closures.
Traffic will flow in both directions throughout the summer.
On I-70 EB & WB just beyond I-465 on the East side, there will be a patching operation. Construction will run from April to October. This section will have lane restrictions on nights and weekends.
Bridge Work on Indianapolis Southside
INDOT will also be replacing two separate bridges in the Indianapolis area.
During construction, lanes will still be open in both directions.
INDOT will be replacing the I-65 bridges over Keystone Ave, at mile marker 107, and over Little Buck Creek, at mile marker 103.

Section 3: I-70 EB & WB from Post Road to Ohio State Line
INDOT will be patching and resurfacing on I-70 outside Marion County this summer.
One lane will be open in each direction at all times during the summer.
There will be various ramp closures during construction.
Contractors will be allowed to work in 10 mile continuous work zones. They can only work in one direction at a time in these 10 mile zones. There will be a 5 mile separation between zones, in most areas.

Stay Informed
Motorists in East Central Indiana can monitor road closures, road conditions, and traffic alerts any time via:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @INDOTEast
- CARS 511:
- Mobile App: iTunes App Store and the Google Play store for Android