INDIANAPOLIS — Neighbors at Eagledale Senior Apartments say they’ve been experiencing a slew of issues: trash piling up for weeks, mold and little communication with management.
“We’re paying our rent. Y’all should pay and get the garbage done," resident David Morris said.
He says trash has been piling up for weeks.

The issue was finally resolved on Friday.
“It should be fixed, because I know it’s state-subsidized, people here who have no other choice but to stay here," he said.
Why was the trash finally picked up?

Well, Dee Ross with the Indiana Tenants Association says it may be due to him putting on the heat.
“What I decided to do is go over there and investigate myself and when I went over there, they were right," Ross said.
The Indiana Tenants Association is a statewide coalition of local tenant organizations and leaders dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of Indiana tenants to safe, decent, and affordable housing.

When Ross saw the mess at Eagledale, he took to social media to give it some attention.
“Within three hours of me posting that message on Facebook, they were able to empty the dumpsters," Ross said.
A joyous moment for neighbor Denise.
“When I got out the car I’m praising God, thanking the Lord that they came and emptied the trash," Denise said.
Denise says the trash is just one of many issues with the property.

“We always have elevator problems, people being beat up in the stairway and being left there, robbed, everything is going on," she said.
The Marion County Public Health Department inspected Eagledale Senior Apartments on March 5.
The inspection found that it’s in violation of Chapter 10 of the Code of Health, which deals with trash.
A reinspection is scheduled for March 19.
WRTV reached out to Eagledale Senior Apartments and left a voicemail.
We’ve not heard back at this time.