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FIDO working to keep dogs safe in the heat


INDIANAPOLIS— On Tuesday afternoon, Darcie Kurtz is out checking on dogs in Indianapolis.

"We try to focus on those homes where we know dogs are outside," said Kurtz.

Kurtz is the executive director of Friend of Indianapolis Dogs Outside. The organization does rounds every day to help dogs they find outside, but are especially aware on days there's a heat advisory.

"Supposed to be 110 with humidity, so it's super dangerous," said Kurtz.

FIDO offers training crates and flea treatments to pet owners which will allow more people to bring their dogs inside on hot days.

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"A dog that is tethered in the sun with out water, with out shade, there's a good chance that dog will have heat exhaustion or heat stroke," said Kurtz.

Kurtz also makes sure some of her clients have what they need.

"If she goes outside I only leave her out for about 10 or 15 minutes because I'm afraid of the heat and her being 8 years old," said Julia Bogle.

Bogle has gotten help for vet visits for her dog Jules.

Down the street from Bogle, David Scott is making sure his dog is comfortable.

"He gets ice water like every other hour," said Scott. A lot of their needs are the same as our needs, they want to be comfortable, want to be fed and want to be loved," said Scott.

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Kurtz stops at a house she's been working to help get a fence and resources for their German Shepard. The dog was still tied up outside.

"We're still working on it, but a little disappointment he's out here in this heat," said Kurtz.

Kurtz says they do about 10 to15 checks per day and is reminding dog owners that there is a city ordinance that says dogs need to brought inside when temperatures hit 90 degrees or there's a heat advisory.

"There's too many dogs out in this heat, we know it. We've helped a lot of people get their dogs inside of the years but we know we still need to get the word out, we still need more outreach, and stronger enforcement," said Kurtz.

FIDOis open from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. if you need any resources.