INDIANAPOLIS — Cold temperatures and dogs don't mix well.
In fact, your dogs, just like humans, can get frostbite, hypothermia, and can even die if they are left out for too long.

It's one of the reasons Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside (FIDO) is busy making sure dogs are safe and warm.
"If it does seem like it's in distress, especially if it's really cold and doesn't have shelter, then definitely call and make a report to Request Indy," Darcie Kurtz said.
Kurtz is the executive director of FIDO. They work to educate and help people bring their dogs inside.
On this day, they're helping IACS on runs reported by neighbors for dogs left out too long.

As the snow falls, their boots hit the ground.
Their main goal is to educate pet owners about the Marion County ordinance that makes it illegal to leave your pet outside if temperatures hit 20° or lower.
"We've had this ordinance in place in Indianapolis since 2015 so it's been in place for 8 years," Kurtz said.
On many of the runs FIDO goes out on, they don't find dogs outside.
"I think people do it with the best intentions, but I think people may see a dog outside just doing its business for 5 or 10 minutes and assume a dog's living outside," Kurtz said.

Kurtz advice is to wait an hour or so and check back in on the dog.
"It's really important to check back in an hour or drive by in a few hours see if the dogs is still outside if it does seem like it's in distress," Kurtz said.

If you see a pet outside for too long you can call the Mayor's Action center at 317-327-4622.
You can also report online, here.