FISHERS — 18-year-old Mason Alexander was about to fulfill his dream and represent Hamilton Southeastern High School on the college football field. He died in a car crash before he had the chance to do so.

Hundreds of people honored Alexander inside the Fishers Event Center on Tuesday. Many wore shirts that said "Forever 15," in memory of the jersey number he wore at Hamilton Southeastern.

Alexander graduated from high school early and was already enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh. He died on March 1 while visiting home during the university's spring break when the car he was riding in lost control and hit a tree.

Alexander's teammates and coach at Pitt made the trip to Fishers for the memorial service.

"His family was his why," said Pitt football coach Pat Narduzzi while recalling one of the last meetings he had with Alexander. "We were sitting there and talking about how much he loves his mother."
Alexander's mother is his only surviving parent. His father died in 2015, part of why Alexander chose to wear number 15 at Hamilton Southeastern and Pitt.

"That 15 stood for something, and we look forward to carrying that on," said Alexander's uncle Rahvy Murray. "Mason's not gone. He may be gone on earth, but his legacy will live on forever."

Hamilton Southeastern athletic director Jim Self hopes to permanently honor Alexander with the number he made famous.
"I think we should give that jersey to the young man that most represents what Mason was all about, that you have to earn number 15."
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