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Greenwood baseball player named 2023 Little League Community Hero of the Year


GREENWOOD — A Little League player from Greenwood is being recognized on a national level for his commitment to both baseball and the community.

Carrson Ferguson was named a 2023 Little League Community Hero of the Year.

Launched in 2020, the Little League Community Heroes program is a celebration of Little League’s dedicated volunteers and players who step up to the plate both on and off the field.

“As a player in his league’s Senior Division, Carrson Ferguson is not just focused on his own experience on the field. For the past seven years, Carrson has also volunteered as a buddy with the Challenger Division and has been an umpire for the past three years. When working behind the plate, Carrson never hesitates to assist catchers with positioning or batters to help with a better stance. When he’s not a Challenger buddy or umpiring, he can be seen inside the concession stand or working on the grounds crew to prepare a field,” Little League said in a press release.


Carrson will be recognized in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, August 22, as part of the 2023 Little League Baseball World Series.

 He will also be awarded a $1,000 grant to Greenwood’s league as a thank you for his dedicated efforts.

“Providing a positive Little League experience starts with the commitment and dedication of our local league volunteers, and each year we are inspired by the actions of those who continue to step up and support their communities on and off the field,” Stephen D. Keener, Little League President and CEO, said.

Below are the other four individuals being honored in 2023:

  • Michael DeLima from Johnston, Rhode Island
  • Angie Kogovsek from Westminster, Colorado
  • Keith “Shaheed” Minder from Charlotte, North Caarolina
  • Jean Toler from Dublin, California

For more information on the program or to nominate a Community Hero in your league, click here.