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Greenwood residents raise concerns over proposed rezoning for residential development

greenwood redevelopment

GREENWOOD— Council Chambers at the Greenwood City Center was standing room only on Monday night. Greenwood residents were raising concerns at the Advisory Plan Commission meeting about a proposal that would rezone farm land from agricultural to residential.

Carolyn Kaptin was at the meeting. She and others there say they only recently found out about the proposed plan.

"I was very,very concerned because I had no idea they were going to do any kind of redevelopment in our community," said Kaptin.

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"Our place was a corn field before so I anticipate development happening just not that much and without input," said Rod Williams, a Greenwood resident.

The development is being called Walker Commons and is near Main Street and 135. It's currently owned by Walker Family Partnership. The rezoning would allow for three different lots and approximately 113.5 acres to be used to build single family homes, apartments, and town homes. The proposal says it will also include a dog park, playground and pickleball courts.

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"I think that’s a little too dense for the area," said Marcus Crouch, a Greenwood resident.

Crouch stood up in front of the plan commission to express the concerns of his neighbors and ask for a continuance. Crouch says he put together a petition with more than 370 signatures.

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"Our big concerns are traffic and home values," said Williams.

"The traffic in and out. Main Street, it’s busy now and it’s right there off Main. It’s gonna be a change for sure," said Kaptin.

Eric Prime the lawyer representing the developer for Walker Commons stood up at the meeting saying they held a town hall meeting last week to listen to people's concerns and said they made changes to the plans. Prime said he had no objection to the continuance.

The plan commission voted to push the decision. The proposal will be on the agenda again on January 22nd.