BROWNSBURG — Christine Bright's only daughter is remembering her mom as a hero and her best friend.
"My mom loved me and she loved my kids," Emilie Shea said. "She was a lover and a true friend. She was generous to the point of giving so much of herself that she didn't have enough for herself. She was selfless in a lot of things that she did."
Police say Bright and her granddaughters were at Arbuckle Acres Park Wednesday when the granddaughters went into a creek to rescue their puppy.
Bright followed them in to rescue them. She made it back to shore and collapsed. Shea says her mother died a hero.
"I believe in my heart of hearts that if she had to make that same decision again, knowing the outcome, she would've made it," Shea said. "She was a fighter. I couldn't imagine her going in any other way than what she did."

Shea says her mom wanted to be the fun grandma who loved making people laugh and showed sacrificial love.
"She showed that when she saved my daughter," Shea said.
The family believes Bright suffered from a medical event. While the granddaughters are physically okay, Shea says they are struggling with what happened.
WRTV has learned the dog, Lily, was found but did not survive.

Donations for the family can be made to:
LifeWay Apostolic Church
7754 Cobblesprings Dr.
Avon, Indiana 46123
Special Note: Christine Bright Memorial Fund
There is also a GoFundMe set up.