INDIANAPOLIS — Central Indiana drivers have been on alert all day with the wind and rain brought from Helene. WRTV shares what you need to know to stay safe behind the wheel anytime weather impacts our roads.
“Well, you definitely have to go a little slower and be a bit more cautious,” said Pat Vandoren.
The 76-year-old drives a cargo van and is extra cautious on the roadways.
“Everybody look out for the other drivers, look out for yourselves,” she said.

AAA is echoing similar advice.
The agency says wet pavement contributes to nearly 1.2 million traffic crashes each year.
“Have more patience. Go slower. Allow a lot more space between cars. Break sooner. All those basics,” said AAA Hoosier Motor Club Spokesperson Christina Griffiths. “We advise don't do cruise control when it's raining outside, stay and control yourself of everything.”
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Inclement weather also means the potential of flooding on the roads.
“Even that few inches of water on the road could be really dangerous. So try to avoid those flooded roads as much as possible,” Griffiths explained. "Make sure you're being careful and avoiding skidding through it and hydroplaning.”
AAA also urged drivers to make sure their car is prepared before they even head out the door.
They suggest making sure your windshield wipers work, and checking your tire tread and pressure, including the spare, at least once a month. They also say to be sure to check the pressure when the tires are cold.

They urge drivers to move over a lane when they see a disabled vehicle and to be patient with roadside assistance agencies like AAA, especially this weekend.
For more tips on roadway safety during wet weather, click here.