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Indiana police departments react to George Floyd's death in Minneapolis

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and last updated

INDIANAPOLIS — As the nation responds to the death of George Floyd, a Black Minnesota man killed at the hands of police on Monday, many police departments are also making sure they're heard as well.

Video captured a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, pressing his knee into Floyd's neck on Monday as Floyd repeatedly said, "I can't breathe." Floyd later died.

As many videos and screengrabs circulated social media, so did the screengrab and words of a Chattanooga, Tennessee police chief.

On Thursday, David Roddy, the Chattanooga Police Department Police Chief posted on Twitter the following:

"There is no need to see more video. There no need to wait to see how “it plays out”. There is no need to put a knee on someone’s neck for NINE minutes. There IS a need to DO something. If you wear a badge and you don’t have an issue with this...turn it in."

That tweet quickly went viral. It currently has over 610,000 likes and close to 150,000 retweets.

Indiana police departments have also taken to submitting statements in regard to Floyd's death.

The Bloomington Police Department submitted the following response:

"The death of George Floyd is deeply disturbing and I want to express my sympathy to Mr. Floyd’s family and community. This tragedy was absolutely unnecessary. Law enforcement officers are trained to treat all people with dignity and respect. These officers’ actions are inconsistent with the training of our profession.

The Bloomington Police Department works continuously to build trust and understanding between our agency and the community we serve. The actions of the officers in Minneapolis are a reminder of how quickly that trust can be destroyed. All law enforcement must do a better job of holding ourselves accountable and to the highest ethical standards.

The Bloomington Police Department instituted the recommendations from President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Six years ago we were one of the first agencies in the State to institute body worn cameras for our officers. Those cameras come on when an officer is interacting with a member of the public, providing transparency with each interaction. Constant training is conducted throughout our department on topics like de-escalation skills, implicit bias, crisis intervention and mental health first aid. Officers receive 4 and a half times the State mandated training hours. Fourteen data sets are regularly released on the Cities B-Clear portal and to the Police Data Initiative as a means of transparency for the public to see what we do.

Bloomington Police Officers work every day to serve and help our community. We hold ourselves to a high standard of professionalism and will continue to earn the trust of the people we serve."

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department's Police Chief, Randal Taylor, posted the following thread on Twitter:

The Zionsville Police Department submitted the following response:

Police work can be hazardous. Officers sometimes face dangerous situations and encounter persons who may attempt to cause harm or resist arrest. While no officer wants to use force, it is sometimes necessary. This force, however, must be reasonable and end once a person has been restrained. Everyone, even those who resist arrest, have a right to respectful, humane treatment from our police officers.

The in-custody death of George Floyd in Minneapolis should not have happened. The video of this incident is difficult to watch. It is not reflective of the training of professional police officers. The actions of these officers significantly erode public trust and cannot be tolerated. Incidents like this eclipse the overwhelmingly good work of our police officers which is so deserving of praise.

The Zionsville Police Department and I are committed to the protection and safety of all persons. Officers receive training in the proper use of force and how to render medical assistance. We will not tolerate any excessive or unnecessary use of force.

Our police department is in the process of facilitating a community discussion to examine issues like diversity, inclusion, implicit bias and police-community relations. Persons interested in participating in these discussions are encouraged to contact Detective Elizabeth Frost at