INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Animal Care Services says "if something doesn’t change soon, savable animals will die."
The shelter says it is out of kennel space and there are crates in every extra room. Dogs will not be taken in unless an appointment is scheduled.
“We are begging the public, please do not bring animals to us,” said IACS Deputy Director Katie Trennepohl. “We simply do not have the space, nor the capacity to care for all of the animals at the shelter right now, or new ones coming in.”
IACS is begging everyone to not pick up lost pets if they can’t hold onto them until an intake appointment is available at the shelter. Take photos and share them on your social media channels, share them on your neighborhood’s social media groups, and make a report at Indy Lost Pet Alert. If the animal looks injured, please make a report through Request Indy and one of our Animal Control Officers will respond as soon as they are available.
WRTV Investigates learned fewer dogs and cats are making it out of the city’s shelter alive.
The live release rate is dropping and is currently 82.5 percent for dogs and cats, which means 82.5 percent of the animals are leaving the shelter alive – through rescues, adoptions, fosters or by being reunited with their owner.
In 2016, WRTV reported the live release rate was 85 percent.
The city also partners with IndyCARES for families who need help keeping their pet in the home.
PREVIOUS: Indianapolis Animal Care Services helping more pet owners than ever before with Indy CARES Program
In addition to all of the animals coming in, they're also dealing with a staffing shortage.
According to IACS:
- Two days per week, they have staff to care for 39% of the animals at the shelter
- Four days per week, they have staff to care for 49% of the animals at the shelter
- One day per week, they have enough staff to care for 88% of the animals at the shelter
If you can't adopt an animal, you can also help by fostering, volunteering or applying to workat the shelter.
MORE: IACS seeks foster families for new program | Pay rates raised by 13.39% for Indianapolis Animal Care Services union workers
RELATED: IACS receives $3 million donation, planning to build new facility | IACS introduces "preventing euthanasia list" to promote adoption, help at-risk dogs
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