INDIANAPOLIS — Every Friday during the month of May, race fans show off their excitement for the greatest spectacle in racing by wearing black and white for '500 Fashion Fridays.'
An Indianapolis based artist is taking race themed fashion to a new level.
"I just love a good theme," Emily Gartner said.

Emily is a textile artist. She makes wearable art, which is featured on bomber jackets, purses and even shoes. Her most recent collection is inspired by the Indy 500.
"I love it. I mean, it's exciting. It's Americana," Emily said.
Her work gives a nod to the 70's with bright colors, symbols and flowers. She also incorporates a black and white theme for race fans.

"The Indy 500 jackets came about last year when I had seen the documentary Qualified. It was about Janet Guthrie," Emily said.
Guthrie was the first female qualifier in Indy 500 history.
"I wanted to make something feminine, and that's what I did with this particular collection," she said.

"I love shooting for her," Jennifer Wilson Bibbs said. "We've been shooting for two years now, non-stop, me and her. Our whole goal is to make women feel better."
Jennifer says she's probably Emily's biggest fan.
"I am, I have a lot. I do, I have several jackets, I have overalls. I have a shirt," Jennifer said.

Emily sells her items on Etsy. She also up-cycles jackets using pieces of old lanyards, scarfs and clothing items. Pretty much anything you want to add to a jacket, she already has.
Click hereto view and purchase Emily's pieces or to sign up for a wearable art class at 201 Studios.