INDIANAPOLIS— On Tuesday afternoon, Hannah Long was back at IU Methodist Hospital. She spent a month in the hospital after a car accident in August.
"It was a regular day you know my kids went to school, I had no idea that it was going to be the worst day ever," said Long.
Long was driving on State Road 26 between Delphi and Lafayette on her way to a work meeting. She says another driver crossed over the center line hitting her head on. She was extracted from the car and life lined to IU Methodist Hospital.

"I was awake during the whole transport and my extraction which was about 2 hours. I passed out in the helicopter and woke up here a few days later," said Long.

Long had 14 broken ribs, a grade five liver laceration, and two broken legs. She went through nine surgeries and months of rehab and spent four months in a wheelchair. She says her main inspiration was her two daughters.

"They were my main motivation. I'm their mom and I'm the only mom they have so," said Long.
Now walking again, Long got to thank all the people that helped her along the way.
"They did awesome, they got me through it. I wouldn't be here if they wouldn't have," said Long.
"It's kind of relieving to know she's okay now," said Lauren Dekock, a critical care paramedic.
Dekock flew with Long the day of her accident.
"It's neat, it's neat to see she's able to walk, she's able to live a normal life again."
For at least 12 years now, Methodist has partnered with the Indy 500 to allow a trauma patient to deliver the coveted green flag. It's a way to put a positive close on their journey. It will be Long's first race.
"I was like I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to say no to that because being a Hoosier, a racing family, growing up around it, watching it every year," said Long.
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