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Little boy's lemonade stand raises money for family of state trooper who died in crash.

Nearly $2,000 presented Friday.
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and last updated

LAFAYETTE — How much money can a little boy make selling lemonade? $1,987.25.

Those were the profits from Malachi's Magnificent Lemonade stand in Kokomo. And Malachi Fronczak
donated all of it to assist the family of the late Indiana State Trooper Bo Stephen, who was killed in a traffic crash last October.

A check was presented Friday to Lieutenant Tom McKee, Commander of the Lafayette State Police Post.

Malachi has been raising money for every Indiana fallen officer’s family since Southport Officer Aaron Allan. The only one he was not able to assist was IMPD Officer Breann Leath, who was shot to death in April. That was due to COVID-19 shutdown which would not allow him to operate the lemonade stand at that time.

Jessica Stephen and daughter Harper were not able to attend the Friday ceremony because Harper was sick with the flu. Lt. McKee will present them with the check at a later time.