FISHERS — AI is the future. Many companies are looking to embrace the future while others are working to create it.
The Arrive AI mailbox would allow drones to drop a delivery in a secure mailbox. The box is climate-controlled and password-protected.

It would make it much harder for porch pirates to steal the latest delivery.

"I just had this vision of what this is going to look like,” Dan O’Toole, the CEO of Arrive AI, said. “We can't just be dropping off all kinds of items in front of homes and businesses without having a safe secure place to house those."

Companies like Hancock Health say the same technology used to secure your packages could streamline some of their necessary but low-skill tasks.

"We have a lot of people that are in the hospital and our medical office building that actually deliver things,” Steve Long, the President and CEO at Hancock Health, said. “So, if we can find a way to have an automated or an autonomous drone that can be on wheels inside of a building, or even in the air between buildings, that's really what we are looking for first.”
You might be asking what that means for the workers whose jobs would become obsolete. Hancock Health says many of those jobs are hard to fill.

"There are just not enough people to hire to replace those that are retiring,” Long said. “So we are looking at Arrive AI as an opportunity for us to replace people in ways that AI and basically robots can fill in and allow us to leverage the people we have."
Arrive AI is preparing to go public. They are planning on rolling out their product to the public next year and are in conversations with mail delivery services as well.
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