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Marion County Public Health Department’s Mosquito Control to host Tire Recycle Day


INDIANAPOLIS — The Marion County Public Health Department’s Mosquito Control program is encouraging residents to get rid of unused tires for free.

According to the department, unused tires, when left outside, can collect water and become an ideal place for mosquitoes to breed.

Limiting areas of standing water is one of the easiest ways to control the mosquito population.

Residents can drop tires off at two locations during Tire Recycle Day on Saturday, June 15 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

  • Marion County Public Health Department Mosquito Control 
    4001 E. 21st Street
  • SECO - Southeast Community Organization        
    1925 Fletcher Ave.

“We encourage residents to take a few minutes each week to walk around their yard or property and look for areas of standing water,” said Matt Sinsko, coordinator of Mosquito Control at the Marion County Public Health Department. “Dump water from containers of any size and flush out bird baths frequently. Also, check for clogged gutters, small recreational pools, and poorly operating septic systems.”
As the mosquito population grows during summer, the health department encourages everyone to follow the four Ds of mosquito control:

  • DUSK – Stay indoors from dusk until dawn. If you do spend time outdoors….
  • DRESS – Wear long sleeves and long pants when outside during these times.
  • DEET – Use insect repellent containing DEET or other FDA-approved active ingredients.
  • DRAINAGE – Remove all standing water outside the home.

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For more information about Tire Recycle Day, please contact Marion County Public Health Department’s Mosquito Control program at (317) 221-7440.