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Martindale-Brightwood turning things around


INDIANAPOLIS -- After years of fighting to rebuild itself, the Martindale-Brightwood Neighborhood is showing signs of progress.

Those living in the area say they've faced their share of challenges from crime and poverty. Now, though, they're relying on each other and rebounding in a very big way.

James Wilson says he never forgot Martindale-Brightwood. But the neighborhood he's called home had changed so much while he was away.

"A few years ago I got out of prison and was saddened by what I'd seen," Wilson said. "The night I came home, they were standing on the corner with the drugs and the guns. The realization is, we'd set that precedent, so we wanted to do something different. I wanted to give back."

Wilson founded Circle Up Indy and got Lowe's and volunteers onboard this past fall to overhaul the Hope Christian Community Center.

Across the street, an empty lot is now set to be transformed into a new community garden by kids. Community leaders saw the plan for the first time Wednesday.

Down the street, Rhonda Oliver's getting set to move her library to a larger space – simply to help more people.

For more information about how to get involved in the Martindale-Brightwood community, visit the MDB Community Development Corporation or Edna Martin Christian Center