INDIANAPOLIS — Connie Sivertson has been a counselor in Lawrence Township schools for nearly 30 years. Throughout that time, her role has changed significantly.
"Counselors are typically the people who are not just there now for academic advising or college-going, the career has filled a critical role with mental health, social and emotional development," Sivertson explained.

Indiana faces a major school counselor shortage.
Per the American School Counselor Association, the average Hoosier counselor is responsible for 694 students, a ratio that is the worst in the nation.

“Oftentimes, our school counselors are being pulled in many different directions and other work that they're doing for the school district," explained Indiana State Teacher's Association President Keith Gambill.
ISTA is working with the Indiana State Legislature to add 500 school counselors over the coming months and years.

“The family at large needs the expertise of those counselors, and many of them have caseloads that are just enormous that really restricts their ability to help as they do," Gambill explained.
Sivertson says the students need it.
"I think it would be transformative," Sivertson said. "Having more people, highly trained, in positions that they can help students would literally transform, especially, adolescents through graduation."