News and HeadlinesIndianapolis Local NewsNews Literacy Project


From idea to air: Here's the process our journalists take to bring you the news

Marc Mullins and Adam Schumes News Literacy 12323.JPG
Posted 3:11 PM, Jan 26, 2023
and last updated 5:02 PM, Jan 26, 2023

News Literacy Week is an annual event that focuses on the critical role of journalism in a democracy to help people become more news literate.

As part of that effort, we here at WRTV want to show you the behind-the scenes process of our news gathering.

We encourage our viewers and readers to be active and critical consumers of our content and the content you see on a daily basis, because we believe it is key for news consumers to decipher what is real and what is not, when it comes to the articles you read and content you see.

Our Marc Mullins followed WRTV's Adam Schumes to show you the process of taking a news story from an idea to on-air.

Watch the video above as he shows you our process, so you know how we search for answers for you.