INDIANAPOLIS — A wave of new, affordable houses could soon be developed across Indianapolis and they'll be made entirely from 3D technology.
In hopes to curb the lack of affordable housing crisis, Circle Up Indy plans to bring around 2,000 affordable homes to the Indianapolis area starting in the Martindale-Brightwood community.
They're not your average homes. Instead, they're 3D printed and they can be built within 24 hours.
Here's how it works:
A robot is programmed to a blueprint of a 2 to a 6 bedroom house.
Then, it starts building using concrete.
The developers claim they're no different than man-made concrete houses.
"How reliable will these be," asked WRTV's Rachael Wilkerson.
"Extremely," said James Wilson.
CEO of nonprofit Circle Up Indy, James Wilson is partnering with metro police, and other local organizations to bring this technology to the Circle City.
"Starting in the Martindale-Brightwood community we'll create our working model in this community 46218 and move our working model," said Wilson.
Wilson says the 3D printed homes cut down on labor costs by 70%.

He says plumbing, the foundation, roof, floors and more will be included in the construction. Rent will average around $800.
People with poor credit, criminal history or low income are more than welcome.
"Oh, I am so excited," said Heather.
Heather and her son Xion have seen first hand the struggles of a lack of affordable housing.
"Just looking at the statistics, the crime, just how much of a change it could bring," Heather said.
They're hopeful the 3D printed homes will create change.
"It brings a lot of less stress to the community. It just helps so many different types of familes and aspects from single parents to veterans to disabled it hits the big picture," said Heather.
Marion County Prosecutor, Ryan Mears says the homes could also play a major role in reducing violent crime.
"One thing we have noticed is when we are able to get people into housing and into a job we don't see them in the criminal justice system. To often times there are too many barriers for housing for people who want to do well, want to do right, but they don't have the opportunity to find and locate affordable housing and so any efforts out there to provide more housing opportunities for people are critical to reducing violent crime," said Mears.
To bring the plan to life, the nonprofit needs 2.6 million dollars. So far, $65,000 has been raised.
Where the money goes:
- Two 3D printers: $1.1 million
- Training, 3D printer maintenance and supply distribution facility: $600,000
- Land purchase: $500,000
- Direct community engagement: $100,000
- Organization operations: $300,000
Wilson is calling on the community for donations.
"The urgency is now. We have to invest in our community and our dollars right now or we are going to continue to see more violence more homelessness every disparitiy we are seeing now," said Wilson.
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