CARMEL, IN— As Severe Weather Preparedness Week begins, community members remind everyone of the importance of emergency planning.
Tim Griffin, a firefighter with the Carmel Fire Department, emphasizes that having a comprehensive strategy can save lives during emergencies like thunderstorms or tornadoes.
“Have a talk about severe weather. Have a plan for that,” Griffin said.
The Carmel Fire Department is actively engaging the community through the first of its kindStay Alive Family Education (SAFE) house program.
The first of its kind program invites the community into the Carmel Fire Department headquarters where a miniature home is designed to simulate the rapid onset of emergencies. In the projector-filled room, attendees can visualize how quickly a situation can escalate, underlining the importance of preparation.

Griffin says families with a plan are always thankful after exiting their home safely during an emergency.
“When that happens, they tell you, ‘Hey, we knew what to do. We practiced this,’” he said.
“You have to be so ready for it that it's autopilot because when an emergency occurs, you're not always thinking exactly how you should," Griffin added.

With daylight saving time now in effect, Griffin reminds residents that it's an opportune moment to check their smoke detectors.
“Everybody thinks, of course I did that,” he said.
“But every year we have fires where there aren't working smoke alarms across the country, across the state.”
Even if you think you are prepared, Griffin encourages everyone not to take readiness for granted. “You have to practice it. You have to talk about it.”
More information on Severe Weather Preparedness Week is available on the National Weather Service website.