INDIANAPOLIS — While snow may be far from our forecast, how Indiana handles snow response is still top of mind for some citizens and City-County councilors.
The City-County Council Public Works Committee passed a proposal that would require snow removal services on local city streets.

The proposal now moves to the full council for a vote.
At Thursday's meeting, the committee passed an amendment to Proposal No. 69, 2025.

Some of the key takeaways of the amendment include:
- Indy DPW will plow second-priority streets when snow reaches two inches.
- Indy DPW will plow third priority streets when snow reaches four inches.
“We’ve came in and said, 'Look we want our residential streets plowed at this threshold.' We wanna make sure the connector streets are plowed at this threshold. We’re entrusting the DPW to come up with a policy that they feel will best be able to address that," Councilor Jared Evans said.

The proposal comes after heavy snowfall earlier this year.
In January, residents were left with unplowed streets which disrupted daily life and even prevented trash collection for weeks.
“It hit me pretty bad. I couldn’t go to work for a day. The first day no one plowed our snow," Faysal Ali said. “I’ve gotten into a crash before at a roundabout. I was just slowing down and someone hit my car from the back.”
WATCH | Still dealing with snow-covered roads? City leaders discuss snow removal policy
The proposal will now head to the next full Council meeting on April 7 for a final vote.
“We know it’s probably not going to snow this week but it could still snow this calendar year. We’re looking forward to November and December, we were taking the opportunity to make sure this got on the books for this calendar year,” Councilor Kristin Jones said.

Indy DPW emailed WRTV the following statement about the proposal:
"Indy DPW is supportive of the amendment presented tonight by the Public Works Committee as written and will work to gather a fiscal statement to reflect the contents of this amendment. We look forward to continuing this conversation as we prepare for the Spring Fiscal and annual budget process."