GREENWOOD — The Suds drive-in has been a staple in downtown Greenwood for more than 65 years.
The lunch rush was in full swing Friday around noon time.

It's a big change to a year ago when the drive-in was forced to close after COVID. The owners at the time said they didn't have the staff to keep the place open.
"We reached out to everybody to come help clean up and get it going. We had 15 people that came out and did an awesome job on everything," Dell Sefton Jr. said.
Sefton Jr., the operations manager, says he feels honored to be a part of such a staple in the community.
"They want the Suds to stay alive and it really touches my heart because I don't want it to go away," Sefton Jr. said.

It's something that long time customers like Ray Johnson says makes them happy.
"I prayed a lot for them to reopen. Really it scared the doo-doo out of most of us because we were afraid they'd never get the door open again," Johnson said.
Johnson has been a customer for 57-years. He says it's a place where he can step back in time.
"It's still a part of my past that I can live a little bit and enjoy," Johnson said. "The old coke machines, oh I love them. But I am an old antique like they are."

Johnson, now 72-years-old, remembers when he used to bring his car up to show off at the drive-in.
"It brings a smile and it brings a heaviness to your heart a little bit. But you can't beat it. Just can't beat it. Love this place. I hope it never goes away," Johnson said.

The Suds owners say they finally have workers on board and the community has continued to support them so they can keep their doors open.
They also have several events planned for the fall season.
Live bands can be heard Saturday, Sept. 30. They will also do a Halloween Trunk-or-Treat on Oct. 28.
For more on their upcoming events, check out their Facebook page.