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UAW Local 685 continues to rally to show support

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KOKOMO — For the last month, members of UAW Local 685 have been meeting outside of their headquarters every Sunday.

"It’s called a red shirt rally," said Denny Butler, the vice president of UAW Local 685.

They're showing solidarity for UAW workers that are currently picketing. Kokomo hasn't been chosen to picket yet. Butler says they also want to get the local community involved.

"I think it teaches unity and solidarity and brings people together because, I’m not saying that this city wouldn’t survive if something happened to Chrysler or Stellantis here locally, but the landscape would be very different," said Butler

Part of showing their support is marching down to the Stellantis building each Sunday.

On Friday, Stellantis announced 700 Kokomo workers are being temporarily laid off because of the UAW strike.

Madison Johnson was at Sunday's gathering. She's one of the part-time temporary workers who is currently laid off.

"It’s super hard because we never made the full wage of a full time worker. Most of us start off at $15 and max out at $19, so we were never able to save like we should have been able to save," said Johnson.

Since the strike started 780 Kokomo workers have been temporarily laid off. Stellantis says it's a consequence of the strike at the Toledo Assembly Complex.

"I think people understand the strategy. There’s some people that don’t agree with it, but we have to show support to our international union and our executive board up there that they’re doing what’s right and they’re doing whats in the best interest of all the union members," said Butler.

Johnson has been a temporary worker for five-and-a-half years. She says out of these negotiations she want to become full-time.

"Part of the strike, which people don’t realize, is over the last six years Stellantis hasn’t flipped anyone in Kokomo. They literally hire part time workers and then they dispose as they need. Why hire full time workers when you can pay somebody literally half the wage?" said Johnson.

The union is asking for a pay raise, to get rid of a tiered wage system, the restoration of traditional defined benefit pensions and cost-of-living adjustments.

Stellantis said the following in a statement on their website regarding the situation:

The discussions between Stellantis and the UAW are focused on narrowing the gaps on issues that will bring immediate financial gains and job security for our employees while providing a bridge for the sustainability of the Company. We have made progress this week and look for collaboration from the UAW to reach an agreement as soon as possible to get everyone back to work.