INDIANAPOLIS — Recently implemented technology at the University of Indianapolis is helping to slow down crime but some argue it infringes on privacy rights.
Flock Cameras are a type of surveillance technology that track and logs license plate data.
“It monitors kinds of sets up a digital border around campus,” explained UIndy Police Chief Brandon Pate.

“When you pass by these, the system grabs the license plate information. And from that can give you information like whether the person's wanted suspended driver, maybe habitual traffic violator.”
Pate claims that the campus has already seen a reduction in crime on campus. In 2022, he claims the University saw seven to nine car thefts. Since installing 23 cameras around the campus, the university has seen zero thefts in 2023 or 2024.

While the new technology has helped track down vehicles, there are concerns about privacy.
“Where do you draw the line between balancing privacy rights and safety and security,” asks IU Maurer School of Law professor, Joseph Tomain.
“I don't think anybody's arguing that we should not use this technology. I think the question is should the government have to get a warrant in order to use this technology in prosecuting cases?”
With technology continuing to reach new heights, Tomian suggests the United States may be due for a discussion regarding privacy laws.
“It might be time for the court to reconsider what kind of privacy rights do exist in public spaces,” Tomain said.