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Donald Trump victory tour? President-elect may visit states that voted for him


NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump may take a victory tour to states that elected him president, an aide said Saturday, as boisterous protests unfolded outside the tower where he holed up with members of his transition team and fielded calls congratulating him.

While he's announced one decision — putting Vice President-elect Mike Pence in charge of the transition instead of Chris Christie — Trump must identify other people for top White House jobs and Cabinet posts. The president-elect remained out of sight at Trump Tower, with streets outside swarming with thousands objecting to the results of Election Day.

At one point, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, a liberal critic of Trump who nevertheless had predicted his victory, entered the tower lobby with a camera crew in tow and asked to see Trump. "I just thought I'd see if I could get into Trump Tower and ride the famous escalator," said Moore, who did just that until he reached the fourth floor and the Secret Service told him he could go no higher.

Kellyanne Conway, who was Trump's campaign manager and is almost surely in line for a prominent job in his presidency, told reporters in the tower lobby that Trump's choice of a chief of staff was "imminent," though not coming Saturday. Whoever fills that post will set the tone for Trump's White House and be a main conduit to Capitol Hill and Cabinet agencies.

Trump is said to be considering Steve Bannon, his campaign chairman and a conservative media executive, and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus for the job. Neither has significant policy experience, though Priebus is well-liked in Washington and has ties with lawmakers.

Conway said Trump's next public appearance was expected "in the next couple of days." When asked if he'd take a victory tour soon, she said: "It's possible. It's possible. We're working on the schedule."

She described his day as "meetings, phone calls, conversations, interviews. What you would expect from a normal presidential transition."

In one gesture of normalcy, Trump pledged to be "very restrained" in the White House with his use of Twitter, "if I use it at all." But he did not sound convinced that he could leave it behind, when asked in a "60 Minutes" interview to be broadcast Sunday. Some of Trump's most inflammatory comments, in a campaign loaded with provocation, came in his late-night tweets.

"I have a method of fighting back," Trump said of social media. He said Twitter is "tremendous" and helped him win races in states where he was vastly outspent. He said he thinks he's proved that social media can be more powerful than money.

Moments after Moore's uninvited visit to Trump Tower, Nigel Farage, head of the "Leave" movement that won Britain's vote to exit the European Union, also arrived and met Trump. Trump frequently linked his campaign to the Brexit movement.

Conway said the two men talked about "freedom and winning and what this all means for the world."

For Trump, who ran on a pledge to "drain the swamp" of Washington insiders, the transition team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes.

Another apparent contradiction emerged Friday as Trump, who repeatedly vowed to achieve the repeal of President Barack Obama's health care law, said he would be open to maintaining portions of it.

Christie was a loyal adviser to Trump for much of the campaign, offered a key early endorsement and came close to being the businessman's pick for running mate. But Trump ultimately went with Pence, Indiana's governor and a former congressman with Washington experience and deep ties to conservatives, to take the transition forward.

Christie will still be involved in the transition, joining a cluster of other steadfast Trump supporters serving as vice chairmen: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions.

In addition, three of Trump's adult children — Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka — are on the transition executive committee, along with Jared Kushner, Ivanka's husband. Kushner was an influential adviser in Trump's campaign.

The children's inclusion raised questions about Trump's ability to sever ties between the administration and the sprawling family business — after the billionaire repeatedly said during the campaign that his grown children would not follow him to Washington but instead run the Trump Organization.

Trump told The Wall Street Journal that after speaking with Obama at the White House, he was considering keeping the provision of the health law that allows children to stay on their parents' insurance policies until they turn 26. He said previously he may also keep the prohibition against insurers denying coverage because of patients' existing conditions.

Presidents-elect don't often appoint their running mates to lead their transition team. Trump and Christie grew apart through the last stretch of the campaign.