Rocky Roads


Indy battles growing number of potholes

Posted 12:48 AM, Feb 05, 2019
and last updated 3:05 AM, Feb 05, 2019

INDIANAPOLIS — When temperatures rise from below zero to the 60's in just a few days, a perfect breeding ground for potholes is created.

The Indianapolis Department of Public Works has fielded more than 500 pothole complaints since Friday and has about 1,200 more on file.

And you don't have to look far to find frustrated drivers.

On his way to work, Nicholas Jewell hit a pair of potholes near East 34th. Street and Fall Creek Boulevard, stranding him with a flat tire.

"My grandma took me three hours driving around trying to get a new tire," said Jewell. "Got the wrong tire. Everyone does not have the right size tire. Now I'm waiting on my dad. I'm waiting out here and it's kind of cold and I'm late for work."

The potholes that gave Jewell trouble were filled after RTV 6 contacted DPW.

And there was a similar problem at North Meridian and 49th streets.

Paul Warrenfelt and his wife live there and put up a warning sign after noticing vehicles being damaged.

"It happens quite a bit. You notice we have two hubcaps here that were found. And we saw some more down the street." said Warrenfelt.

Monday, DPW sent out 108 workers to fill potholes on major streets such as Keystone Avenue, College Avenue and Mann Road.

"The difference between this year and last year, we actually have more people to put at the problem," said DPW Director Dan Parker. "And we have 36 people who have been trained, they will be working on pieces of equipment that DPW has not had in a long time."

The crews are part of the street maintenance team that focuses on filling potholes.

Additionally, DPW plans to resurface 167 lane miles in Indianapolis.

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