FISHERS — The beach at Geist Waterfront Park is closed to swimmers after recent testing of the water in the area found high levels of e-coli.
The city of Fishers tells WRTV the park itself remains open, but the beach and use of the water at the park is closed at this time.
Testing on Aug. 17 found high levels of e.coli in the water in several areas of the Geist Reservoir, including at the beach at the city's newest park.
"It makes me feel like if I ski in Geist or something like that I am skiing in something besides water that i don't want to be skiing in," Geist visitor Rob Lind said.
Ashley Elrod, Community and Public Relations Director for the City of Fishers says they do weekly testing at Geist Waterfront Park and monthly testing at other open water areas around the community.
"An unsatisfactory level is really the result of a few things that have come together," Elrod said. "That includes really warm weather... environmental factors... and then just activity in the water."

The city says a satisfactory level is an e.coli count of 235, but the last test a little over a week ago was 261 at Geist Waterfront Park.
Elrod said with school being back in session there are fewer people in the water, that with the recent rain means the water isn't getting mixed as often as it was during the summer break.
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Other parts of Geist have been deemed unsatisfactory the city tested water at the boat ramp off Olio Road.
The e.coli count read more than 1400. Monday that count was 35.
"It really just comes down to safe water practices," Elrod said. "So just as you would in any sort of public or private pool, you usually shower before and after getting into any body of water. We recommend that generally, but in particular if it's a really warm day or if there's been a lot of rain in recent days then we suggest rinsing off right after being in the water."
Some residents said they weren't concerned about the high e.coli count.
"It can be concerning but we don't swim in it and we make sure we take a shower and get cleaned before we go inside and go about our day," Geist visitor Brittany Will said.
Elrod says the beach and water at their new waterfront park will remain closed at this time, but all other areas of the park - the trails and the playground - remain open to the public.
All other areas of Geist, such as the docks, remain open for use.