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DCS report finds 61 children died from abuse, neglect in 2022

A former Department of Child Services family case manager in Bartholomew County is accused of falsifying assessments related to child abuse and neglect investigations.

INDIANAPOLIS — At the turn of the calendar from 2023 to 2024, Indiana Department of Child Services has released their 2022 fatality report.

Throughout the 2022 calendar year, DCS investigated 308 child deaths. Of those deaths, 61 were found to be a result of abuse or neglect.

The Annual Report of Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities in Indiana details the circumstances leading to each fatality. It also highlights the risk factors that put children in danger.

The 2022 report says 17 fatalities were due to abuse and 44 were the result of neglect.

Two out of every three deaths involved a child 3 years old or younger. According to the report, this is consistent with national trends.

The leading cause of death was death by weapon — listed as the cause in 36% of cases.