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Local 'pickleheads' share why there's a growing interest in pickleball in Indy


INDIANAPOLIS — Pickleball is growing in popularity across colleges throughout the country and this month hundreds of those players are making their way to Central Indiana.

The inaugural APP U.S. Collegiate Championships began last Wednesday at Grand Park in Westfield.

Many Hoosier athletes are trading in their rackets for paddles, ditching their tennis balls and hopping on the pickleball court.

Interest in the sport is up 300 percent statewide since the start of the year, according to TeachMe.To.

Instructor with TeachMe.To Jeremiah Rader says that’s the case at Go West Sports on W. 10th street.

Rader says Go West, which is one of the few pickle-ball-specific indoor facilities in the area, is booked out morning to night, seven days a week.

“As the time has gone on, now it is just crazy. It’s popping all the time. There’s people here all the time. It’s actually hard to get a court time here or anywhere anymore," Rader said.

Local player Jeff Ader is on the court six or seven days a week.

“I’m kinda a maniac. That testifies to the fact that this sport is addicting," Ader said.

He started playing about four years ago, when his wife got involved.

He says one of the skills he struggled with in the beginning was how to serve the ball.

It was hard for him to keep it in the court or from going into the net.

With practice, patience and repetition, he’s developed quite the killer backhand serve.

“If I see myself improve a little bit, inch by inch, every week, I’m thrilled," he said.

Here are some tricks of the trade experts recommend if you’re starting out:

• Make sure your arm and swing path are compact
• Anticipate the ball and where it should be
• Develop your footwork, be quick on your feet
• Focus on ‘dinking,’ or controlled shots
• Play a soft game

“The ball will go hard and far even with just a little bit of touch," Rader said.

If you’re interested in playing, they recommend grabbing a ball and a paddle and hitting the court.